FBI can hear every conversation in Android phones

After the case when Eric Snowden had publishedinformation that the National Security Agencyeavesdrops your list of calls through a U.S. government program called PRISM, now has newmedia reports which say that the FBI has gonebeyond this form of surveillance , as the samehas created a software
that can activate the microphone of your Android phone or your personal laptop, at any time, to your tapping.
According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal said that the FBI now has the technologyand tapping some new tools with which you canremotely activate the microphone of your phoneor laptop.
However, activation of these new methods ofsurveillance does not require that you are talkingon the phone to be tapped, as this is possibleeven when you're not on the phone.
This gives the FBI access to personalconversations you have with another person,while the U.S. agency can all hear your conversation even if you're not too close to the phone.
But luckily, even though it constitutes a serious breach of privacy, much more serious than thatcarried out by the NSA, the FBI intercepts itstarget criminals, not civilians and law-abidingcitizens.