Study: Moment of life when we are happier than ever!

Happiness has no age, so say the least. Howeverthere are periods of life where people are happier than other periods in maximum enjoying everymoment of it.
 However, there are numerousstudies that show that if proceeded with the ideathat happiness exists in youth, it is wrong becausewe can be happy even at the age of 70 years andmore. Age 50 years characterized bydisappointment and unfulfilled dreams, neversubmerging in the 60s is over this part and livethe moment. According to a study conducted by the "Friends Reunited" show that 70% of respondents the age of 33 qualify as showing the height of happiness before this age have never been happier. The study shows that 33-year-oldage is perfect because there is more padjallëzia of childhood madness and enthusiasm of 20-year-olds. For men happiness calculated the age of 37 if they have a career to consolidate solidalizuar and interpersonalrelationship. According to Phillip Hodson, of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, at the age of 37 people are fully grown, developed and gained a respect and have realized a number of things in life.